맨끝에 스터디룸/GMP English Study
2013. 8. 12.
[08.12~14] Raid Captain Ride-The Blues Image
Raid Captain Ride / The Blues Image CA : Blues Image Raid Captain Ride 배를 타고 떠나요 -The Blues Image Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay.Rolled off of their ship, and here's what they had to say."We're calling everyone to ride along to another shore.We can laugh our lives away and be free once more." 73명의 남자들이 샌프란시스코 만에서상류로 항해를 했어요.그들으 배에서 벼려 이렇게 말했어요."모두 우리와 함께 배를 타고다른 해변으로 가요.인..