맨끝에 스터디룸/GMP English Study
2016. 4. 7.
[Pops English | 04.07-08] Sunshine-Jonathan Edwards
Sunshine 밝은 햇살-Jonathan Edwards Sunshine go away today.I don't feel much like dancing.Some man's gone.He's tried to run my life.Don't know what he's asking. 밝은 햇살, 오늘은 멀리 가세요.난 춤을 추고 싶은 마음이 이니에요.한 남자가 떠났어요.그는 내 인생을 조정하려고 했었죠.그가 뭘 요구하는지 그 자신도 몰랐죠. Well, he tells me I'd better get in line.Can't hear what he's saying.When I grow up I'm going to make it mine,But these aren't dues I been paying. 그는 내..
맨끝에 스터디룸/GMP English Study
2016. 4. 4.
[Pops English | 04.04-06] Angel Of The Morning-Juice Newton
Angel Of The Morning 아침의 천사-Juice NewtonCA : Taylor Chip | E : EMI Blackwood Music Inc. SE : Fujipacific Music Korea Inc There'll be no strings to bind your handsNot if my love can't bind your heart,And there's no need to take a standFor it was I who chose to startI see no need to take me home.I'm old enough to face the dawn. 그 어떤 줄도 당신의 손을 묶을 순 없을 거예요.내 사랑이 당신의 마음을 묶어 둘 수 없다면요.그렇게 강경한 태도를 보일 필요..