맨끝에 스터디룸/GMP English Study
2014. 7. 17.
[07.17-18] Good Enough-Dodgy
Good Enough 충분히 행복해요-Dodgy I've got an aching in my bones.I've been exposed to what I want to see.The fuse is burning somewhere;It's drenched in heat, it's where I long to be. 뼈마디가 아파요.난 내가 보고 싶은 걸 볼 수 있었죠.어디선가 도화선에 불이 붙고 있어요.열기가 가득해요.난 그곳에 있고 싶어요. *Chorus 후렴There's always two sides. You don't have to suffer.If this is heaven, then send me to hell.So stay in the light, Don't take your eyes from ..