맨끝에 스터디룸/GMP English Study
2016. 4. 14.
[Pops English | 04.14-15] I Don't Want to Talk About It-Everything But The Girl
I Don't Want To Talk About It 그 얘긴 하고 싶지 않아요-Everything But The GirlCA : Whitten Dann | E : Chrysails Songs | SE : Fujipacific Music Korea Inc I can tell by your eyesThat you've prob'ly been cryin' forever,And the stars in the skydon't mean nothin' to you.They're a mirror. 당신의 눈을 보면 알 수 있어요.당신이 오랫동안 눈물을 흘렸을 거라는 걸.하늘의 별들은 당신에겐 아무런 의미가 없죠.당신이 바로 별이니까요. *Chorus 후렴I don't wanna talk about it,How you..