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맨끝에 스터디룸/GMP English Study
2013. 9. 2.
[09.05~07] It's Called A Heart-Marli Harwood
It's Called A Heart / Marli HarwoodCA : Marilena Buck It's Called A Heart 사랑의 마음을 느껴보세요-Marli Harwood Let me introduce you to a new idea.It's called a heart. It's called a heart. 당신에게 새로운 개념을 하나 알려 드릴게요.그건 심장이라는 거예요.바로 마음 말이에요. When they handed out the box of tricks of decency and love,Did you think being irresistible was really good enough?That little mechanism that determines right from wrong ..